Boy meets Girl...
Um exemplo, totalmente fictício claro, podia ser:
Boy meets Girl/Girl meets Boy, Boy and Girl spend some time together over some FDA inspection, Boy and Girl stay awake late working closely together, Boy and Girl loose track of work as the days go by, FDA inspection ends, late night work ends, different work shifts get in the way, Boy and Girl meet ocasionaly under the pine trees, email and telephone jump in to scene to overcome separation, first candy, first flowers, first dinner, vacations and distance get in the way, no email, no dinner, no flowers, no candy, not a glimpse of each other, no joy, 3 weeks go by hanging solely on two hour calls every single day, vacations end (yeah!! wait! vacations end, yeah?!), first (tanned) sight in weeks, weird coincidences start to happen, attraction grows, intensity rises, some 3000 emails later, more than 100 hours of telephone calls (and a new phone, as the old one died out due to over usage) and some dates later...
(to be continued)
Ah, também acredito em finais felizes!!
2 comentários:
Não havia nexxexxidade!!!
Quase que chorámos todas ao ler a história, as histórias, os posts.........crroac, crrooooooaaaacccc......o amor é liiiindo, olha como tu andas!!! Que coisa bonita!!!:)
Lindíssima história (ou será estória?) é verdade; nem sempre fiel à realidade mas têm de perceber que isto era a adaptação do argumento para cinema e houve cenas que tiveram de ser alteradas... O produtor insistiu muito com aquela parte do telemóvel para fazer product placement (Nokia) e arrasar a concorrência (Motorola). ;)))
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