Why me?
"Quite often, people who mean well inquire whether I ever ask myself, in the face of my diseases, 'Why me?'
I never do. If I ask 'Why me?' as I am assaulted with heart disease and AIDS, I must also ask 'Why me?' about my blessings."
Arthur Ashe
4 comentários:
O truque está na pergunta: se em vez de 'porquê?' perguntarmos 'para quê?', muda-se o olhar :)
Good design!
[url=http://hofwmzbk.com/kpsq/vhbi.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://oznybyri.com/oywj/agzr.html]Cool site[/url]
Good design!
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Nice site!
http://hofwmzbk.com/kpsq/vhbi.html | http://vuljfwex.com/xnby/uinl.html
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